1. Open google chrome (As this works best)
2. Type in the following in your top search bar : https://www.rapidtyping.com/en/download/typing-tutor/ver-5/RapidTyping_Setup_5.3_x32.exe
3. Press enter – it will start downloading.
4. Click on the three dots top right-hand side
5. Go down to downloads (click)
6. Click on show in folder
7. Downloads folder will open: Double click on the Rapid Typing download
8. The pop-up: Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? Click on Yes
9. Wait for Rapid Typing setup to load
10. First screen – click on next
11. Second screen - click on I Agree
12. Third screen - Make sure: l Personal Installation is selected – click on Next
13. Forth screen – Install
14. Fifth screen – Finish
15. Rapid Typing opens up
16. Click on OK
17. Top left-hand corner – Click on: EN 1. Introduction
18. Go down to EN 4. Advanced (Click)
19. Next to EN 4. Advanced: You can choose the Lesson you want to type e.g. Lesson 1 – Lesson 17
20. The arrow that shows to the right - means Tab
21. The arrow that has a line down and then shows to the left - means Enter
Enjoy typing.